Stereotype threats & resources

    Stereotype threat refers to situations, moments, and states in which marginalized people risk conforming to stereotypes about their social groups, often to the detriment of their performance and productivity. This state is a byproduct of racism and often means the detriment to educational, social, and financial success and achievement.
    how do we eradicate stereotypes + stereotype threats?

    Stereotype threat requires honesty, humility, and everyone to be involved in the eradication process. For people who conform more to societal standards and benefit from privileged identity must be the people to honestly confront presumptions and behaviors that harm others with less privilege. People experiencing stereotype threat must be vocal, and seek assistance from a peer, a counselor, and/or an ally who you feel comfortable around, and you know will ultimately have your back.

    Here is a growing list of resources and more information on what stereotype threat is:

  1. Stereotype Threat Widens Achievement Gap
  2. Thin Ice: Stereotype Threat and Black College Students
  3. Whistling Vivaldi And Beating Stereotypes 
